Congratulations to all eighteen CPTC nominees for Runner of the Year in their respective age groups:
Dustin Emrani (20-24)
Rebecca Yau (20-24)
Aileen Conlon (25-29)
Ulrich Fluhme (30-34)
Kate Irvin (30-34)
Jake Cooper (35-39)
Thom Little (35-39)
Jill Vollweiler (40-44)
Yumi Ogita (45-49)
Stuart Calderwood (50-54)
Michael Rennock (50-54)
Alan Ruben (50-54)
Yasuhiro Makoshi (55-59)
Mary Diver (55-59)
Judith Tripp (60-64)
Deborah Barchat (60-64)
Sylvie Kimche (60-64)
George Hirsch (75-79)
NYRR’s annual Club Night will be held on March 4th at the Hard Rock Cafe, from 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at