[Note: This was a test post, and may be edited or removed later.]

The Old Explorer writes, What is the story with your results? Used to be you could e-mail them to the webmaster, and bingo, there they were were up on the Race Results page, pretty as you please, all within a day or two. Well, sir! Last year I sent in my finish from the Great Smoky Mountains Trail 5k and Bar-B-Q, where I was first in my age group (70-74), and it never showed up. So I emailed it again.

The Old ExplorerFinally I grew irate and mailed it (handwritten, I might add!) to the quondam president of the club and in the fullness of time (as President Johnson used to say) I was told  to send my results and queries not to the webmaster but to another address entirely. Well excuuuusse ME (as the young folks say nowadays). By this point I’d almost forgotten what state the race was in. Now, one month goes by, two months, three months… Does the race show up on the website? You bet it doesn’t! Something fishy is going on.

Here’s another peculiarity. In a recent NYRR race there were 54 CPTC participants, according to the NYRR website. I know because I looked. But only 45 names appeared on the CPTC Race Results! It appears some of the slower joggers were clipped from the bottom of the men’s and women’s listings. Are members being purged, Stalin-style, for political deviation or athletic mediocrity? Doesn’t effort count for anything anymore?

(Letter edited for brevity)

It is unfortunate that your results did not get posted. Perhaps there was a serious technical problem.  But if you send your results to cptcresults@gmail.com, there is a better than 50% chance that they’ll appear within the week.

As to your second point: there are several reasons why names might disappear from NYRR posted race results. The most common one is that the NYRR database sometimes lists runners as CPTC members when they are not. Some clubless runners put CPTC down on their online NYRR membership entries because they think they have to put in a club name. Or perhaps they mean to join someday, but never get around to it.  These non-members have generally not been a big concern, but when we post results to our site we try to keep them up-to-date and accurate.