Although it was a beautiful, crisp autumn day, the CPTC master women were on FIRE blasting through all five boroughs and leading us to a second place NYCM finish! What a fantastic day!

Our first scorer was Paige Yellen in 2:59:50. Paige looked strong as she passed me on 1st avenue and ran solid to the very end! This past year Paige has run every distance from the 5k to the marathon and seems to kill each distance. Congratulations on another phenomenal performance, Paige!

Audrey Kingsley

Photo: John Tran

Our next scorer was Audrey Kingsley in 3:25:33 and Don’t Call it a Comeback!! 😛  For the past few months, Audrey has trained with such discipline and consistency that it’s no wonder it all came together and led to a fantastic finish time with consistent splits. Smart training and smarter racing also led to a time faster than Audrey expected and supported Master CPTC women in our second place team finish! Go Audrey!

Our final scorer is newcomer to CPTC, Virginia Day. Virginia ran a stellar 3:31:16 and shared this about joining CPTC and her race experience:

We can not say enough about how happy we are to have connected with you all!   Until a few months ago, my daughter and I did all our running on our own and enjoyed sharing the racing experience with each other, but really no one else.   We read much, but had no coaching or companionship to guide us and push us and most importantly, BELIEVE in us. 

How quickly that changed upon joining CPTC!!   Yesterday, I ran my best marathon in 5 years (and 6 races).  But even more importantly,  I really enjoyed it!  I knew I wasn’t out there alone, and I knew you all would value my effort.  Again, so much thanks to CPTC for taking my love of running and making it GROW!

Virginia, we are so excited to have you and your daughter on the team! We look forward to many more workouts and fast races with you both!

In addition to our scorers, also out to represent was Maria Taveras and new to the masters club, Melodie Fratt, in town from Michigan!  Congrats to all our masters ladies!

Simply, a phenomenal day!!!


Our last scoring race of the 2018 racing season is quickly approaching! If you haven’t registered, please do ASAP as it is quickly reaching capacity. Due to my own marathon training, I haven’t raced with the team in a long while and I’m excited to finally hit the roads with the CPTC Master Blasters at Ted Corbitt!! 🙂  Hope to see you there!

Register here for Ted Corbitt:



 Colleen and Ani