FRNY women

From Lauren Carter of the Open:

Horrible humidity was no match for the Women’s Open Team this past Saturday at the FRNY 5M as they raced to a third place finish.  Annie Onishi and Jesse Mizzone lead the way with a 31:21 and 31:53 respectively.  Veronica Jackson finished just behind Jesse with at 32 flat finish, and Katie Castro bested the heat with at 32:18 finish.  Rounding out the scoring was Jacy Kruzel finishing in 33:32.

I’d like to give an honorable mention to Shawnessy Dusseau who set a PR that morning.  Way to go!  I’d also like to congratulate those who competed in USATF Club Nationals.

I can hardly believe I am saying this but we are about half way through the year and I wanted to give you ladies a heads up on the scoring races ahead so that we can all plan accordingly.

  • Saturday, August 3rd: Club Championships 5M (this counts for double points)
  • Saturday, September 7th: Autism Speaks 4M
  • Sunday, September 22nd: 5th Ave Mile (this is a change from the original schedule)
  • Sunday, October 6th: Grete’s Great Gallop Half Marathon
  • Sunday, November 3rd: ING NYC Marathon
  • Saturday, December 14th: Ted Corbitt 15k

Also, don’t forget to sign up for our very own Founder’s 5k on Saturday, July 27th!


Congrats again to all who raced this weekend!



From Ani Go of the 40+:
Summer is well underway for the FRNY 5mi pride run! On a hazy ‘n humid morning, the sun peeked out from the clouds just in time for the national anthem, and then for the new challenging 5mi course that includes both the Harlem and Cat Hill. We had a full 40+ masters team plus one to spare! Sometimes the goal of the battle is to fight, and the ladies did. Wonder Wanda ran her best FRNY yet in 35:25, leading the band, followed by Iron Audrey K in 37:25, and chasing after them to get to those ice pops was your little captain in 38:33. My light, my lightning Maria Luz is back dabbling her toes into the racing scene in 41 flat. I am so happy to have her running again!

And on top, are the fantastic 60+ women’s team, with pack leader Barbara Byrne, Captain Sylvie Kimche, and the ultimate team player, Judy Tripp! The women’s 60+ team also placed 4th in the women’s 50+ category as well. Double dipping!

There were great performances at Icahn! Our incredible Judy S, Michele C, Terry B, and Sue P repped in the 4x800m relay. Those ladies know how to burn the blue! Thanks to their efforts, and everyone else who ran, CPTC defended the title at the USA t&f club national champs!

Congrats all! Go orange!



From Sylvie Kimche of the 50+ and 60+:

Despite subpar performances (by their own standards!) of the 3 scoring members, Barbara, Sylvie & Judith, the W60+ team took 1st place with flying colors! (a whopping 28 minutes ahead of 2nd team Mercury Masters!!!)

Barbara – despite digestive distress – led the team (as usual), in a modest 39:39 for her, good for 2nd in her age group (behind the unbeatable Kathryn Martin)

Sylvie – despite lower back trouble and a general lack of energy for the past few months – came in 2nd for the team in 40:13. That was good for 1st place in her age group.

Judith – despite a stitch that forced her to slow down a lot – came in 3rd for the team in 44:39, good for 2nd place in her age group.

Also, in the absence of CPTC W50+ runners, once again the W60+ team scored (in 4th place) for the W50+ team.

As it stands now, the W60+ team leads the points race! So congrats for a great team results and thanks for coming out even when not feeling at your best!

Let’s keep it up for the next team race, the 5miler Team Championships (double points) on August 3!

Thanks to all who cheered and special thanks to Coach Tony who never fails to put a smile on my face – even when I’m suffering – when he calls me “baby”…. 🙂

GO ORANGE and see you at the work-outs & at the Founders 5K in Brooklyn on Sat, July 27

