APPLICATION PROCESS1. Submit your “Membership Application”. 2. You will receive an email invite to Heylo for team workouts if tentatively approved. 3. Sign up with Heylo, pay your club dues and start attending practice! Membership Application First Name* Last Name* Email* Phone Number* Date of Birth* Gender*—Please choose an option—MaleFemaleNon-binaryPrefer not to say Address Line 1* Address Line 2 City* State* Zip Code* Occupation? What Company?(Optional) Did you run in college? If yes, which college?(Optional) In what events do you compete?* —Please choose an option—sprints/hurdlestrack/mid-d (800, 1500/mile, 3000m-5000m)track/long-distance (3000m, 5000m, 10,000m)roads (10k and under)roads (10M and over, Marathon, HM)XC What are your top 3 performances in the past two years?* Please respond with Event/Performance/Location and Date (e.g. "100 meters/9.99 seconds/Beijing Olympics - August 16th 2008"). Please provide a hyperlink to those official results. Note: We have guidelines of 70% age graded and also specific sprint standards. Please provide the link to your NYRR / TFRRS / IAAF profile or other running profile. What are your running goals for the next few years?* How did you learn about CPTC?* —Please choose an option—Current or Former Team MemberCPTC InstagramCPTC WebsiteUSATF Elite Development Club listNYRR list of clubsNYRR raceRunning in Central ParkWord of MouthInternet SearchOther Which CPTC members are you acquainted with?* Please list any running clubs of which you have been a member. Do you have a personal coach? —Please choose an option—YesNoI am Interested in personal coaching from a CPTC coach Do you plan to attend practices regularly? —Please choose an option—YesNo Is there anything else you would like CPTC to know about your application? (Optional) CPTC Performance Enhancing Drug (PED) Zero Tolerance Policy* The Central Park Track Club has a Performance Enhancing Drug (PED) Zero Tolerance Policy towards the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs. I have reviewed the Club's policy, agree to abide by it, and am happy to join a club that holds such a policy. NOTE: The submit application button will not be clickable until you agree to the CPTC Performance Enhancing Drug (PED) Zero Tolerance Policy. I agree to the CPTC Performance Enhancing Drug (PED) Zero Tolerance Policy