If you want the usual questions and answers about Coach Devon Martin, fast-women.com did an interview back in 2007. We tried to dig a little deeper, but were met with a brick wall. No matter what we asked, her answers were rarely longer than one sentence. Perhaps the answer that best describes Coach Devon is the one she gave to the last question, “Why were all your answers so short?”

Her response: “Less talk, faster times.”

What is your favorite part about coaching?
Watching someone run a PR.

What is your favorite part about being a part of the club?
Romance is included in the dues.

What is your coaching philosophy?
Run faster than you did in college.

What was your favorite workout as a runner?

4 x 200m @ 800m pace
30 seconds rest
2 sets

Now as a coach?
2 x 200m @ mile pace
1 x mile @ 5k pace
2 x 200m @ mile pace
200 jog recovery
2-3 sets

Would the club buy me a giant orange maple leaf mascot costume to wear to races?
Absolutely.  We actually looked into this and it’s $4000 for a giant orange maple leaf hand-made by Andrea Haver in Nebraska.  Now, all I need is a “Mascot Donor” to cover the cost.

Where can you get the best nachos in NYC?
Park Slope Ale House

How do you deal with the work/running balance issues of your runners, and the fact that sometimes their jobs get in the way of training?

I usually have to write them other workouts.  Workouts have to be adapted if you don’t get sleep or you’re stressed.

What is the most important quality in a runner that you look for?
Competitive streak.

Anything else to add?
I’m a women of few words! actions baby!