Baby Kerner—Latest CPTC Arrival

Until last month, when this site switched over to its current WordPress blog…

Grete's Great Gallop Race Wrap-up

Why does Central Park Track Club consistently perform well? Training and…

Grete's Great Gallop (Oct 4 2008)

Click on the tabs on the bottom to view either the Men's or Women's Results

Philly Half Results & Commentary by Felice Kelly

I just realized that if I didn't get around to a write-up on the Philadelphia…

Harry Murphy cross-country, Oct. 12

Harry Murphy cross-country 5k, Van Cortlandt Park (October 12, 2008)

Grete's Great Gallop Race Preview

Last year CPTC had a great showing at Grete's Great Gallop: overall Women's…

MAC 5k Grand Prix Final (September 28, 2008)

MAC 5k Grand Prix Final - XC, Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx (September…