We last checked in with teammate Allan Dias in 2014, via a profile in Running Times, written by our own David Alm: http://www.runnersworld.com/masters/a-unique-rhythm

Allan has again made headlines – this time for an epic accomplishment: running 65 miles on his 65th birthday. He enlisted some friends as a support crew and…I’ll let Allan tell the tale:

The run my age idea came about over the course six or seven years, when I first remember hearing about ultra running and the “birthday run”. I’ve been trying to get it together since I turned 60, but the timing was never right. This year, having taken a year off from running since both my marathon and ultra (50K) debuts in 2014, I set upon a modest plan to attempt a 65 mile run the week of my birthday. I chose a holiday weekend Saturday, allowing a couple of days off from work in case I had some issues. This was not a race or fast-to-finish run, but just an exercise in setting a goal and achieving it, if I could. It was an exercise in self-examination, motivation, discipline and determination.

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I enlisted the help of my girlfriend Emily O’Connor Karolyi to provide vehicle support, with planned meeting points every 10 miles from mile 20 to the end, so as to refuel, change gear, address any issues, etc., and drove the planned route about a week out to verify course route and specify the meeting locations. Upon mentioning my undertaking to friends and family, we were joined by two of my coworkers, Marcus Barrington and Darrell Donaldson, who said they would accompany me, at least part way, on bikes. From that point we were set, and the challenge to myself lay ahead.

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In short, the run went well, with minor obstacles in the heat and humidity of the day and some blistering between my toes (I forgot my toe socks). My nutrition was spot on, and the pace was consistently easy with no real issues with loss of fluids or cramping and such.

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Recovery is going well, with my weight stabilizing (I gained 7 lbs in the first 36 hours post-run) and easy walks augmented with some spinning to keep the blood flowing for movement and healing. After the first rest week I was able to get in a long mountain bike ride with Hank Schiffman to keep up the cardio side of things. I plan to take two weeks off before I attempt to run, and then it will be an easy jog to see how I’ve come out of this for real.

I’m in a new age group now, and hope to help the team in the 60+ and 65+ club points races for the remainder of the season.

dias strava